About No Bars

No Bars is here to bring you the best iPhone apps you can imagine.  And some you can't imagine.

No Bars began when two married men happened to both have iPhones.  They found themselves exploring the exciting world of iPhone apps while their wives talked about the important issues of the day.  One thing lead to another and soon they were throwing ideas for iPhone apps back and forth.

Around the time that they realized they should do more than just talk about possible apps, one of the men happened to be hanging out in a bar with a friend who teaches high school.  The high school teacher said, "You know what teens are saying now to put something down?  They say, 'No bars.'  As in that's as uncool as a mobile phone that has no reception."

Soon enough, No Bars was born.  The first app will be on the iTunes store before the end of 2009, and there are more coming after that.