Press Release: Guy Scores Trashy "JILF" With Super Dreidel

Hanukkah, 2009 - Major magazines have recently heralded this the era of the JILF, a Jew I'd Like to F***. For the 2009 holidays, all you need to meet a JILF is an iPhone and Super Dreidel.

A bachelor who prefers his privacy, let's call him Martin Jewstein, was at a recent Trashy Lingerie event and could not think of a way to approach one of the beautiful models.

To pass the time, he pulled out his iPhone and began playing Super Dreidel, an app featuring originally recorded music and vibrant illustrations. It was then that a Trashy Lingere model, lets call her Rebekah Jewberg, approached him from behind and asked, "Is that a dreidel on your iPhone?" "Yes it is," Jewstein replied. He entered her name and his name into the game and they began taking turns spinning the dreidel on the iPhone screen.

Jewstein and Jewberg were later seen leaving the party together, and the next day were spotted at Canter's Deli playing Super Dreidel in the clothes that they had been wearing the night before.

After hearing of this tale, one John Notajew downloaded the app and took it on his iPod Touch to another Trashy Lingerie event. Like clockwork, model Rachel Jewman spotted the spinning dreidel on his iPod Touch and the two were seen three days later holding hands at The Grove while eating frozen yogurt.

Super Dreidel appeals to people of all ages. The game allows 2 to 8 players to spin a traditional Hanukkah dreidel on the touchscreen while the app does all the work. From now on, owners of the iPhone and iPod Touch will never again be at a party looking for a dreidel or gelt as Super Dreidel takes care of everything.

The link to Super Dreidel on the iTunes store is:
Super Dreidel