Press Release: iPhone Has Bar Mitzvah

One of the first things any iPhone owner notices the moment that they get their phone is that kids want nothing more than to snatch that magical device out of their hands and touch their fingers to the screen for hours.

When Jeff Howard, a Jewish Uncle with more nieces and nephews than he can count, noticed this phenomenon, he had a thought.  What if you could hand a child your iPhone and have it play a Jewish game instead of something with explosions?  Jeff happens to be a former toy company executive and he discussed the idea with his friend Rick Barry, who happens to have a PhD from MIT.  Super Dreidel was born.

"My nieces and nephews, literally, never let me have my iPhone back now," says Jeff.  "And the great thing is that as long as I can see the dreidel spinning on the screen I know that they are not messing up my contacts or email."

Featuring originally recorded music and vibrant illustrations, Super Dreidel appeals to people of all ages.  The game allows 2 to 8 players to spin a traditional Hanukkah dreidel on the touchscreen while the app does all the work.

"The other night at a restaurant, my friend's four year old took Super Dreidel, entered the name of everyone at the table and started spinning that dreidel.  A few minutes later he shouted, 'Mom, you just won!'  I didn't get my iPhone back for an hour."

The innovative Super Dreidel app offers three different versions of the game: Traditional Dreidel, the faster moving Vegas Dreidel, and the super-fast Turbo Dreidel.  All three versions allow you to enter every player's name, choose how much gelt each player begins with, and even limit the number of rounds to the game.

At a recent family gathering, Rick watched the kids passing his iPhone back and forth to spin the dreidel and said, "My iPhone is officially Jewish now, like it had a Bar Mitzvah."

The link to Super Dreidel on the iTunes store is:
Super Dreidel