Press Release: Best Selling Hannukah iPhone Apps

December 2, 2009 - Hanukkah is just around the corner and in addition to preparing their homes for parties with family and friends, many Jews are getting their iPhones and iPod Touches ready for the holiday. The most popular apps on the iTunes store are games, and Hanukkah is no different. The iTunes store is filled with Jewish puzzles and Menorah games. By far the most popular Hanukkah game is Dreidel, and the iTunes store offers a large number of Dreidel games for the iPhone and iPod touch.

The best selling Dreidel app for Hanukkah 2009 is "Super Dreidel," followed by "Dreidel, Dredel, Dradel," and then "Dreidel Tap." A closer look at the top ten Dreidel apps reveals why Super Dreidel has taken the lead; it has the best graphics and music, and is the only app which actually includes the Dreidel game for more than two players.

Dreidel Top 5:

Super Dreidel
Dreidel, Dredel, Dradel
Dreidel Tap
Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel
A Dreidel Game

The link to Super Dreidel on the iTunes store is:
Super Dreidel