Press Release: Super Dreidel App Comes Home for Hanukkah

Hanukkah, 2009 - This year, Hanukkah comes early for owners of the iPhone and iPod Touch with the release of "Super Dreidel," an app which places everything needed for a game of dreidel in the palm of your hand.

Featuring originally recorded music and vibrant illustrations, Super Dreidel appeals to people of all ages. The game allows 2 to 8 players to spin a traditional Hanukkah dreidel on the touchscreen while the app does all the work.

This innovative app offers three different versions of the game: Traditional Dreidel, the faster moving Vegas Dreidel, and the super-fast Turbo Dreidel. All three versions allow you to enter every player's name, choose how much gelt each player begins with, and even limit the number of rounds to the game.

From now on, owners of the iPhone and iPod Touch will never again be at a party looking for a dreidel or gelt as Super Dreidel takes care of everything. And for those who do not know the rules of the dreidel game, Super Dreidel offers a great way to learn. And at 99-cents, Super Dreidel costs less than an actual dreidel.

The link to Super Dreidel on the iTunes store is:
Super Dreidel

Hayden plays Super Dreidel while the adults talk over dinner.

The Super Dreidel app can also be accessed by visiting

About No Bars - Super Dreidel was developed by No Bars of Los Angeles, CA. For additional information, cross-marketing, and cross-promotions please contact No Bars using the information below.